Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Flame Who Lost His Way Essays - Gender Role, Human Behavior

The Flame Who Lost His Way It is not possible or commendable in mainstream United States to imitate biblical-times gender role patterns. In biblical times, male and female weren't associated according to gender as much as they were according to relationship. Because of the enmeshed society where individuating was not only not done but wasn't seen as normal or healthy we cannot as individuals in the United States begin to imitate let alone completely understand gender role patterns in biblical-times. Women were seen as sisters, wives, mothers, daughters etc. not as women in the sense of gender. Men were also enveloped within relationship as brother, husband, father, son etc. not as maleness. Relationship defined who they were as a person in relationship. An individual was usually someone outside the group, inferior, sick or unacceptable. In the United States we value individuality. We have whole professions dedicated specifically to heal those who are not individuals in one sense or another. We value the self-alone, not as much as relationship. Who we are isn't bound in what relationship we are in but usually in what we do for a living. Because of this foundational difference in orientation as human beings we should not and could not imitate biblical-times gender role patterns. When we as Western thinkers read the Bible through our United States, individual promoting lenses we tend to view the culture of the ancient Near East as barbaric and dehumanizing for some classes, especially women. We feel they are treated as inferior and we cannot understand how a gracious God could not only allow but also institute such a prejudiced society. But here is where we misunderstand the culture and women. Are they treated inferior or just different? The presuppositions of Hebrew culture regarding men and women lead to the understanding of the roles of each sex. According to Proverbs women were easy to fall into adultery, therefore, men were to keep them pure according to the relationship they had with the woman, as father or husband. In the same way, men were understood to be strong leaders therefore, they controlled aspects of government and religious ceremony. Using our worldview we cannot get past the fact that they are wrong. Men are just as much to blame and can eas ily fall into adultery as women, we think. We also can name a woman who was a much better leader than many men we know. But does this mean the Hebrews were wrong, have things changed or maybe with our different view of the reality we can't even understand how they came to their conclusions. The latter is probably the closest to the truth. Now that we have come to realize that the ancient Hebrews were altogether different people than we are today according to lifestyle, law, mindset and even the definition of egalitarian, how does this affect the biblical message or theology? Due to the different cultural understanding of gender roles should we absolutely disregard everything in the Bible that refers specifically to gender? Should we try to meet those expectations inspite of the realization that our Western mindset is not set up that way? Or, should we try to understand those passages according to the culture that it was speaking to and then make application that will be acceptable within our own worldview? I believe the latter is the only answer that gives justice to the Word and fits with us as Americans. Is this compromise? Yes, it is. Does it compromise the message or moral? I don't believe so. The Bible was written to lead the lost to a relationship with God and understanding it within its cultural context it doin g just that. Therefore, the Bible's message is not specifically bound up with ancient Near Eastern gender role patterns. The way the story is told might be though. As competent biblical scholars, or at least trying to be we must and I stress must understand the cultural surrounding the message, as well as, identify our own biases and lenses that we bring to the Word. If we can first realize that as male/female, married/single, tall/short, fat/thin etc. colors our view not only as we act in our Western society but also in

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The use of metaphors Essays

The use of metaphors Essays The use of metaphors Essay The use of metaphors Essay The use of metaphors The use of metaphors plays an incredible role in creating a mental picture as applied in literal statements. As a result, it makes it easier for people to understand a given concept. A comparison drawn between a given phenomenon such as a natural attribute to a particular situation. A good example is portrayed in this statement, as dark as the night. By just stating this, one gets a clue or rather have an idea of how dark the night is thus can as well draw a comparison. The use of metaphors has thus been applied in various cultures and used as an analytical tool (Athanasiadou 12).A good example portrayed in a Chinese metaphor about the human body seen as a container. A similarity is seen between English and Chinese but at times also contradict by the way they use certain metaphors. According to the westerners, a different belief does exist, for instance, a sharp contrast drawn between the role played by their cultures. While the may all express their emotions they at times differ in the way they do it. Culture defines the rules and structure that a group of people follows to interpret and understand behaviors because ethnographic studies believe that cultural differences have social consequences when evaluating emotions. One of the best examples of this is when an individual from the Eskimo community of Utku depicts any form of sadness; ostracized because it is considered to be a taboo to show any signs of anger. There is no universal way of regulating responses, but different cultures have unwritten codes used to regulate expressions and the most common way is through the socialization process which either entails dialectical thinking or through emphasizing on positive thinking over negative thinking in the society. In Western culture, the most notable way of regulating it is through teaching positive thinking through discouraging negative thinking while in Eastern culture, they emphasize on dialectical thinking. All these aspects referred to as a social script that different cult ure uses to define the desirable forms of expression. One can learn and adapt to the shape of cultural expression that is beneficial to the culture they represent when taught at a tender age. In the previous century the notion of schema was highly explanatory across different disciplines such as cognitive science, artificial intelligence, linguistics, and anthropology. Cultural schemas play the role of interpreting meanings of diverse cultures and the structures of their mode of communication in the society. A good example of how schemes work is in the way that people do things in a restaurant setup where one has to order, get served, pay the bill or even tip the waiter and so on (Sharifian, 2008). In many cultures, cultural schemas are similar to each other but the manner in which things done differs in many ways, and the same case applies to cultural conceptualization of language across cultures. Language also differs from one group to another especially when it comes to its definition and relationship with emotions and conceptualization of language and culture. The other aspect of cultural conceptualization that is crucial in understanding the relationship between cultural linguistics and culture is the concept of a cultural category which is an essential human cognitive activity across different cultures. Analysis The use of metaphor has been carried on since long ago; as a result, people compared actual human experience in their bodies with abstract objects and meant to enhance understanding now that it was possible to relate to such objects. The study has also attracted a lot of research with many now seeking to gain more understand as to why men decided to make use of such a stylistic feature. Despite there being different cultures in play a lot of similarities are also drawn. While focusing on happiness apart from just associating it with an expression, happiness is up. Several expressions are also created, such as; one saying he is feeling up, being high in spirit, trying to keep ones spirit high, come on just to name a few. These are used in English but imply the same thing. On the other hand, the Chinese also have similar expressions thus imply they are applied conventionally. From the analysis, the relation between emotion and culture can be well defined while looking at the definition of a cultural syndrome. It is a shared set of norms, beliefs, values and attitudes arranged around a theme shared by speakers of one language, at a given period in a particular geographical region. There are different ways in which people are expected to feel and express their feelings across diverse cultures and in different experiences such as weddings and funerals among other events in life. Different cultures value different emotions because there are those cultures that highly uphold the emotional expression of happiness than others as much as it is a desirable emotional expression across cultures. Some cultures have more individualistic views than others, and this means that they view emotions such as happiness as an individual based while other cultures see it as an experience that comes after sharing a special experience with someone or with a group of people. Ameri cans view happiness as an individual feeling of expression that can also enhanced through sharing a special relationship with someone else in the society. Comparative analysis on sadness A comparative study on metaphors touching on grief on different touching on different cultures is conducted. In this case, a comparison is drawn from the Chinese approach and English. Various researchers have also done. While gauging the human experience; one comes to realize how such cultures have a great influence on how they deal with sadness. In most cases, many approached it differently (Yi 11). As highlighted with by scholars, many differences were also identified, despite some exhibiting the same literal meaning they did imply the same thing. Metaphors were treated as a linguist tool used to pass a given message with a hidden meaning. The emotion was on the other hand used to portray how one felt while sad. It also manifested how one felt, thus likely to take tell once mode from the way they acted. Despite a lot of research being done about sadness, many focused on anger. As a result, many rarely took a time to study depression which also shows why the study on sadness was not sufficient. A lot of attention was, however, focused on happiness. While gauging the two languages one can realize that little was done thus leading to insufficient research (Li 206). Method While going about the research, different approaches were used to try and describe sadness. Materials were also sort from both Persian as well as English. In the attempt to come up with a great finding, different sources were also used. A good example portrayed when idioms, as well as Persian expression, are considered. It was found out that sadness commonly used in English as compared to Chinese. While sad, many showcased different attributes. One could also easily tell by the way they acted. At times, some would respond sluggishly some even associated sadness with low. From the metaphor, sadness is low, a common sign seen is dropped shoulders while sad.It also explains why many are likely to say they are feeling low when sad (Mashak 200). Sadness is associated with darkness, as seen from this metaphor, sadness is dark. It is associated with darkness owing to those experiencing such an emotion seeking to go in less bright places. On the other hand, those going through a jovial mode, however, love bright places and thus exhibit happiness. While comparing the two cultures, they also embrace the same belief. In English, much associate sadness with colors too as seen from the expression of one feeling blue. In Persian, many however associate the black color with sadness (Sun 175). Happiness Many are aware of the role played by happiness in various societies while dealing with human emotion. A study conducted on how it applies from two different cultural perspectives. As a result, many can gain understanding on their application. The attempt is used to identify the existing similarities as well as perceived differences between them. InEnglish, happiness is always associated with being up. In other words, one is likely to exhibit an erected posture; it is also the same in Chinese. Happiness is associated with a container filled with fluid. While comparing the two cultures they all view the human body as a container. In different occasions, happiness is seen as a reaction when one is happy thus likely to be showcased by individual physically. Many differences also are drawn concerning happiness. As a result of differing cultural perspectives, one is likely to see this reflected in how the two cultures react to pleasure (Yan Dirk 40). A universal sign of happiness is seen by how the eyes, as well as eyebrows, react when one is happy. In Chinese, many do portray raised eyebrows when happy but can as well represent relaxed eyes. In other words, an individuals mode is likely to be seen from how he reacts. ;;;;;;;;;;;Apart from just likening happiness to a fluid container, several metaphors were also developed and included expressions like; an individual saying that his heart is full of joy, or rather busting with joy, being overwhelmed with joy just to name a few. The same applies to Chinese metaphors now that the human frame also is seen as a container. In as much as the two shared these similarities, there also existed many differences. Just to illustrate this example, happiness is seen as if its elevated from the ground. On the other hand, it was also viewed as a flower in ones heart. A good example is depicted in an expression, being in the clouds, soaring, floating, as well as feet of the ground as applied in the use of metaphors. While comparing these with the Chinese view some associated such an expression, off the ground, with a proud individual. It is one of the greatest examples of given so far. Conclusion Often, the role of facial expression in the communication is debatable, and this is because cultural lessons affect the manner in which people react to different events in life. Facial expressions do not necessary have to reflect what an individual is thinking simply because a lot has changed in the modern society; different expressions may mean something else. By studying cultural metaphors one is likely to understand how different, different cultures approach this issue thus able to arrive at a proper conclusion. Work Cited Sharifian, Farzad (ed.). The Routledge handbook of language and culture. New York: Routledge. 2015. Sharifian, Farzad. Cultural Linguistics. In Farzad Sharifian (ed.), The Routledge handbook of language and culture,473492. New York: Routledge. 2015. Sharifian, Farzad, Rene Dirven, Ning Yu Susanne Neiemier (eds.). Culture, body, and language: Conceptualizations of internal body organs across cultures and languages. Berlin: Mouton De Gruyter. 2008. Sharifian, Farzad Gary B. Palmer (eds.). Applied Cultural Linguistics: Implications for second language learning and intercultural communication. Amsterdam. 2007. John Benjamins, Sharifian, Farzad, Judith RochecousteIan G. Malcolm. 2004. Itwas all a bit confusing: Comprehending Aboriginal English texts. Language, Culture, and Curriculum 17(3). 203228. Sharifian, Farzad, Adriano Truscott, Patricia Konigsberg, Glenys C. Collard Ian G. Malcolm. Understanding stories my way: Aboriginal-English speaking students (mis)understanding of school literacy materials in Australian English. East Perth, WA: Department of Education. 2012. Siahaan, Poppy. Did he break your heart or your liver? A contrastive. 2008. Yi, Sun. A Research into the Motivation of Experiential Philosophy and Cultural Idiosyncrasies in the Domain of English-Chinese Emotion Metaphors [J]. Foreign Language Education 1. 2010. Li, Xiuzhi. Conceptual metaphor theory and teaching of English and Chinese idioms. Journal of Language Teaching and Research 1.3. 2010. Mashak, Shahrzad Pirzad, Abdolreza Pazhakh, and Abdolmajid Hayati. A comparative study on basic emotion conceptual metaphors in English and Persian literary texts. International Education Studies 5.1. 2012. Sun, Hong-mei. The Cognitive Study of Metaphor and its Application in English Language Teaching/Letude Cognitive De La Metaphore Et Son Application Dans Lenseignement De Langlais. Canadian Social Science 6.4. 2010. Yan, Ding, Dirk Noel, and Hans-Georg Wolf. Patterns in metaphor translation: a corpus-based case study of the translation of FEAR metaphors between English and Chinese. 2010.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Compare the powers of the legislative branch to the powers of the Essay

Compare the powers of the legislative branch to the powers of the executive banch. which has more power today and why - Essay Example Currently, the executive wilds more power to those of legislative based on varied sensitive tasks, which its members normally perform without over consulting. The executive, having the office of the president as the highest embraces a key role US’ constitution and the entire state as a whole. Recently, it has seen an increase in its power attributed to the rise of financial economy which has weakened expansive parts of the liberal state. This has directly or indirectly given the executive additional powers in comparison to the legislative. This can be seen when the Federal Reserve extended about $1.2 trillion allocation to major banks. This was done by the executive exclusively without being passed through the legislative process (Gill & Cutler, 2014). The executive has continued to gunner more power due to support by supranational organisations such as the IMF and WTO (Gill & Cutler, 2014). In the recent years, these organisations have been dealing directly with the executive branch. In the earlier years, these organisations were key players in making and implementation of rules and laws. However, over the years, their influence and power grew influencing the growth of the executive powers. The organisations no longer deal with legislative bodies. This is a major boost to the executive powers (Gill & Cutler, 2014). The executive and its relation to global corporate economy has contributed directly and indirectly to the addition of executive powers. The global corporate economy plays hand in hand with global matters such as terrorism. After the 9/11 event, the legislative branch gave power to the executive after passing of the patriot act (Gill & Cutler, 2014). This act gave federal branches under the executive more power in order to curb any future threats. These federal branches have the power to enact and perform various actions without the approval of the legislative branch of the constitution (Gill & Cutler, 2014). In

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Work strategic Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Work strategic - Case Study Example The Real Chocolate Company, together with other chocolate and confectionery industry players must legally comply with government regulations. This includes health, sanitation and safety regulations. Product labeling regulations must be strictly followed. Franchise operations must abide with registration and disclosure of information. Candy taxes, vending machine restrictions and other legislations such as levels of lead in candies, which are introduced in various states in US, would affect the costs of chocolates and confectionery products. On the other hand, the increase in sugar imports to the country would be beneficial to the supply needed by the company. Health concerns that might affect the sales of chocolates is the increasing problem of obesity. Sweets, such as chocolates, and other high calorie products may causes obesity when taken irresponsibly. Although, health benefits of the product, especially dark chocolates, organic and natural chocolates, appeals to health-conscious consumers and old people. High income groups, Asians, and younger people are becoming the target market of gourmet chocolates. These groups have different behaviours and needs, but they serve as an opportunity for sales and growth when exploited. Prices of primary raw materials, like chocolates and nuts, used for the manufacture of gourmet chocolat... Uncertainty in the supply and the price of commodities may affect the production and operation of Real Chocolate Company stores and franchises. 1.2. Porter's 5 Forces Competitive analysis checklist was created to identify the five forces of competition. See Appendix A. Analysis shows that the market is highly competitive. Direct competitors have larger annual sales against the Real Chocolate Company. The power of suppliers is also high. The flow of supply of raw materials such as chocolates and sugar affects the production directly. Ease of entry into the chocolate market is high. Chocolate manufacture is simple and there are variations in the way the products are created and served. The company is almost dependent on the sales in franchise stores, which can be considered as customers of the Real Chocolate Company. Other sources of revenues such as company owned stores and non-traditional outlet is relatively low on the cash flow. 2. Internal Analysis 2.1. Strengths and Weaknesses "Perfection in Handmade Gourmet Chocolates" is a very good motto for both customer perspective as well as the employee's morale. This motto demonstrates the commitment of the company towards freshness and quality produced chocolates. Perfection means quality. Handmade illustrates freshness. Customer impression is important to create customer satisfaction and loyalty. Employee's morale and attitude is also guided by the motto since it reveals the responsibility of not just the management but also to the rest of the stakeholders in the company. This is a responsibility of producing quality chocolates from start to finish, from raw materials to packaged chocolates. The larger portions of chocolates in the packaging and the wide

Monday, November 18, 2019

Discussion board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Discussion board - Essay Example Prison wardens could use excessive force that violates human rights to meet these goals, particularly when handling difficult inmates. Use of inhumane strategies by wardens to contain an inmate’s behavior, either directly or indirectly could cause such wardens to be sued. This could be attributed to violation of laws that dictate that for whatever reason a person is incarcerated, such a person should not suffer pain beyond liberty deprivation and that even the most atrocious offender should be treated with dignity and respect. The report of such violations by a Rikers Island jail guards by Weiser (2009) provides an example of how wardens’ actions could cause them to be sued. This reporter observes that the jail’s wardens influenced other inmates to attack inmates who exhibited undesirable conduct. It was such action by the wardens that led to the death of Christopher Robinson, an 18-year old inmate, on 18th October 2009. Three wardens were linked to the death and charged by the Bronx district attorney of larceny and assault among other charges. Therefore, whereas wardens are charged with maintaining order in correctional facilities, they are limited by the need to respect human rights from acting

Friday, November 15, 2019

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Benefits

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Benefits Indian agriculture has a rich historical past. Hymns in Rigveda describe plowing, sowing, irrigation, fruit and vegetable cultivation. An ancient Indian Sanskrit text, Bhumivargaha, classified agricultural land into twelve categories: urvara (fertile), ushara (barren), pankikala (muddy), maru (desert), aprahata (fallow), jalaprayah (watery), kachchaha (land contiguous to water), sharkara (full of pebbles and pieces of limestone), shadvala (grassy), nadimatruka (land watered from a river), sharkaravati (sandy), and devamatruka (rainfed). Archaeological evidence suggests that rice was grown along the banks of the Indian river Ganges in the sixth millennium BC. Thousands of years ago, Indian farmers used to domesticate cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, pigs and horses The farmers used traditional methods of cultivation. However, over past fifty years Indian population has tripled. To meet the food requirements of the increasing population and save them from starvation increase in farm production was the need of the hour. Norman Borlaug, titled as the Father of the Green Revolution introduced the concepts of introduction of high-yielding varieties of cereal grains, increase of irrigation infrastructure, advancement of management techniques, distribution of hybridized seeds, use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides to farmers in developing countries. India too successfully implemented it, which led to rapid growths in farm productivity and enabled us to become self-sufficient by the 1970s. However, this historical revolution created some problems also. For example high yield was associated with land degradation. Also there was increase in number of weeds. There was evidence of chemicals in water and crops making them unsafe. Today, India is among the top three global producers of many crops, includ ing wheat, rice, cotton, pulses, peanuts, fruits and vegetables. Worldwide, India has the largest herds of buffalo and cattle. It is also the largest producer of milk. Also India has one of the largest and fastest growing poultry industries. India’s basic strength lies in its farms. With this huge farm productivity it becomes imperative that the safety and quality of farm produce is ensured at all stages of production. We need to balance the requirements of food security and safety both. The solution to this complex problem is by adopting Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs). To increasing the quantity and quality of food in response to growing demand it is required to increase the agricultural productivity. Good agricultural practices, often in combination with effective input use, are one of the best ways to increase productivity and improve quality. GAPs enhance the production safe and good quality food. These practices are ususally environmentally safe and ensure that the final product is appropriate handled, stored and transported. When GAPs are put in practice in true spirit it can be assured that the food will meet quality and safety standards at the time of harvest. GAPs protect food at the primary stage of production from contamination by the following :- Physical hazards like rocks, dirt ,sand filth, putrid and decomposed materials Toxic chemical hazards and contaminants from the environment like heavy metals, environmental pollutants and industrial chemicals) Excessive or unsafe levels of agricultural chemical residues as pesticides, fertilizers, veterinary drugs and other chemicals Contamination or damage by pests, vermin and other insects Biological contamination by mould, pathogenic bacteria or viruses which can cause spoilage, crop damage and food borne illness or chronic health hazards in humans According to Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations Good Agricultural Practices are practices that address environmental, economic and social sustainability for on-farm processes, and result in safe and quality food and non-food agricultural products (figure 1). Figure 1: Four main pillars of GAP. The international market is becoming competitive. The developed countries have become more demanding, critical and stringent when it comes to accepting export of food from developing countries. To have a good standing of our farm produce in the international market Indian Good Agricultural Practices (INDGAP) have been formulated. Adopting theses practices will ensure a safe and sustainable farm produce. INDGAP defines certain minimum standards with a well defined system of accreditation mechanism and implementation of GAP. These standards are voluntary and non discriminatory to the growers. INDGAP has different modules for all farm, crops, fruits and vegetables, combinable crops, green tea and coffee. Broad outline of various aspects which need to be managed are :- Site history and management Soil management Soil mapping Plant nutrition management an fertilizers Irrigation and fertigation Integrated pest management Plant protection products Traceability Complaints management Visitors safety Record keeping Health welfare and safety of workers Environmental conservation Waste and pollution management The potential benefits of GAP are significant improvement in quality and safety of food and other agricultural products. There is a marked reduction in risk of non-compliance with national and international regulations regarding permitted pesticides, maximum levels of contaminants (including pesticides, veterinary drugs, radionuclide and mycotoxins) in food and non-food agricultural products, as well as other chemical, microbiological and physical contamination hazards. Adoption of GAP helps to promote sustainable agriculture and contributes to meeting national and international environment and social development objectives. However there are various challenges related to GAP. The most prominent is a definite increase in cost of production. There is lack of harmonization between existing GAP-related schemes and availability of affordable certification systems which often leads to increased confusion and certification costs for farmers and exporters. There is a high risk that small-scale farmers will not be able to seize export market opportunities unless they are adequately informed, technically prepared and organised to meet this new challenge. It is required that governments and public agencies play a facilitating role in this aspect. However, at times it has been experienced that compliance with GAP standards does not promote all the environmental and social benefits which are claimed. Some key points for adopting GAP are:- Selecting the right type of land to be cultivated for food crop production; Planting the best-quality seeds and of the most appropriate varieties; Use of authorized and acceptable chemical inputs (fertilizers, pesticides) as per approved directions (e.g. concentration, frequency, timing of use); Controlling the quality of irrigation water (in case of use); Use of appropriate harvesting and on-farm storing and handling techniques; Use of suitable methods for shipping of produceto markets or food processors.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Word Count: 1486 The Differences in Lucy Salyer’s and Cybelle Fox’s Criteria For Citizenship Throughout American history, the United States government created policies that decided who can and cannot come to America to be recognized as a full fledged citizen: an individual who has been recognized as a loyal member of a nation and receives benefits granted by the government. Lucy Salyer, author of Baptism By Fire, and Cybelle Fox, author of Three Worlds of Relief, emphasize that the government based their immigration policy on issues such as race and occupation. Despite their agreement that the United States government played a major role in deciding who can and cannot become full fledged citizens, Salyer and Fox disagree on the main criteria in which they decided which immigrants could have this recognition. Salyer argues that immigrants’ race and service decided whether they should be included or excluded from full citizenship, while Fox asserts that individuals’ occupation determined this matter. As Salyer and Fox both mentioned, the government played a vital role on deciding who can become citizens through legislation, organized groups, and judicial rulings. The government can be defined in this case as legislatures, agencies, and the justice system. Throughout American history, legislatures made laws in which included and excluded newcomers to America. Aristide Zolberg, author of A Nation by Design, emphasizes this by stating, â€Å"nationality involves the delineation of a boundary, denoting simultaneously inclusion and exclusion† (Zolberg,17). A country can tend to be welcoming or unwelcoming to foreigners. In the United States, legislatures have been inclusive and exclusive to foreigners depending on the national interest. Lu... .... 56% of workers were covered, while 67% of them were Europeans and 57% were white. According to Fox, Europeans benefitted the most since majority of them held manufacturing jobs and were more likely to turn sixty-five when it was grandfathered in. Yet, approximately 38% of Mexicans and blacks were covered. This was due to the majority of them being agricultural workers or domestic workers. Therefore, Europeans held occupations that allowed them to meet the criteria for social security benefits, while Mexicans and blacks did not (Fox, 251-253). Salyer and Fox agree that the government played a role in shaping immigration during the 1920s and 1930s. Yet, they disagree with the criteria that the government used to decide who received full-fledged citizenship. This debate still continues today and this nation continues to base a criteria on who to include and exclude.